Winter is Coming

Hello all,

I absolutely love crisp-clear mornings, it’s my favourite type of weather. We have had lots of them lately.

Running in the cold weather does take some getting used to however, it can be difficult (almost painful) to inhale the cold air. My sensitive eyes also get very watery, which is very annoying. Deciding how many layers to wear is also something I am getting-to-grips-with; you want to make sure you are warm enough to start but avoid overheating after you’ve warmed-up.

I am slowly learning how to deal with these minor issues I am having with the cold and have really been enjoying running with the blue skies and autumn leaves around me.

I have managed to significantly reduce my average pace, yesterday my 4 mile run averaged out at 8:51 per mile, however that was a very good day. I am probably averaging on a day-to-day basis at 9:14 per mile.

As I have now moved to Essex I have also joined a local gym, need to get working on my core and glutes! I went to Body Pump yesterday after my run and today I am going to go to Yoga after a long run (hopefully it will give my muscles the stretch they need).

Here are some pictures of my recent running adventures in Regent’s Park, Becontree Park and running along the coast at home in Dublin.




New House, New Running Routes

Hi all,

Since my last blog post I have been pretty busy, but running is still playing a huge part of my life.

My last blog post was written on the train on the way to Scotland with the Youth Choir I lead. We had an amazing few days with lots of walking around a sunny Scotland. However, I didn’t have the chance to run at all and by the time I got back to London I was actually craving a run (I’ve definitely caught the running bug).

The day after I got back I did a 6 mile run and it felt amazing, I’ve never run on fresh legs before like that and it felt great. It was a perfect autumn (unusually warm day) and I got some beautiful tree photos, which I am obsessed with.

I ran on both Tuesday and Wednesday mornings as well and on Wednesday afternoon I moved house (to Essex).

Moving is so tiring and stressful however running has kept things a little less stressful. I now have new running routes to explore and I am hopefully going to spend some time in the local countryside for my longer weekend runs, which are going to become longer and longer as the marathon approaches.

It’s getting colder now and the evenings are dark so early, so I am wearing bright colours in order to be seen when I run in the evrning. I’ve just come home from a 5 mile run (my fastest yet at a 9.04 p/m average pace), I had to take a picture of my running attire as it is particularly bright today, no wonder I was getting funny looks.


I am starting to try and manage my nutrition a little more carefully now, making sure I some decent post run fuel into me after a tough session. This evening I had apple with cinnamon and a homemade ginger and cashew energy ball (full of protein and good fats).


I’ll finish today’s post with some of the autumnal nature pictures I have taken on my recent runs (mainly featuring trees).